Ninjamas Bedwetting Pyjama Pants

Ninjamas Bedwetting Pyjama Pants

An exclusive team of Squaddies are trying out Ninjamas Bedwetting Pyjama Pants and help smash the taboo around night-time bedwetting.

25/10/2023 to 02/02/2024

Miley 01/12/2023 - 15:30

Welcome to the taboo-busting Ninjamas team

Hello and a huge welcome to this very special Ninjamas team. Together, we’re going to try out Ninjamas Bedwetting Pyjama Pants with our children and discover why they’re the perfect choice for our little champions. Then, we’re going to talk to fellow parent pals about the myths around night-time bedwetting. Why? Because there’s an unnecessary taboo around night-time bedwetting and we want children and parents to have access to the best support.

Did you know that 500,000 children aged 5-16 are prone to bedwetting in the UK? Or, heartbreakingly, that 82% of children who experience bedwetting have never attended a sleepover, with embarrassment being the main reason1? If you’re planning to stay over at friend’s or relative’s house this festive season then this project is the Christmas confidence boost you and your little one need!

Your starter kit

Starter kits will begin to arrive from December 4th onwards, just in time for the festive season. As part of your starter kit, you’ll receive:

  • 2 x packs of Ninjamas Bedwetting Pyjama Pants
  • 10x leaflets to share with your pals so they can get 2 x £2 off Ninjamas Bedwetting Pyjama Pants
  • A project handbook with all the info you need to get involved

Why we love Ninjamas Bedwetting Pyjama Pants 💙

Secure, discreet and with the appearance of regular underwear, Ninjamas Bedwetting Pyjama Pants are a practical tool to help parents and children manage bedwetting. Here’s what makes them special:

  • They feature QuietCloth material for a discreet experience
  • They look and feel like regular underwear – with a 360°form fit belt that stretches and fits to older kids
  • They’re dermatologically tested
  • They have Ninjamas Instant Absorption Technology for 100% all-night leak protection or your money back2

Your taboo-busting missions

79% of parents whose children experience bedwetting feel that there’s a taboo around the topic. By keeping the matter hush-hush, parents can miss out on vital support and information that could help themselves and their children to feel more comfortable around the issue. Other parents will be so glad that you started the conversation. Let’s get to work. We’ll…

  1. Test: Let’s put Ninjamas Bedwetting Pyjama Pants to the test and discover why they’re the perfect choice for little champions. With powerful protection and super-soft discretion, your child will have the confidence they need to sleep easy.

  2. Spread the word: Once you’re feeling suitably clued up, you can share your newfound knowledge and experiences to support other parents. Let’s bust the myths around night-time bedwetting and share coupons to help to ease the concerns of any other fellow experiences and little ones around the festive break.

  3. Spread the word online: If you feel happy to, we’d like you to post videos and pictures on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok to help debunk bedwetting myths.

    This isn’t mandatory but if you do share, please use the following hashtags: #ad, #NinjawesomeHolidays, and #PampersSquad

@all: Are you ready to battle bedwetting this festive season?

If you’re concerned about your child’s bedwetting or bedwetting has started suddenly after 6 months or more of dry nights then consider visiting your health practitioner.

1Territory Influence 2023; base n = 742, parents of children aged 4-11 years old.

2T&Cs apply. 1 July 2023-30 June 2024. Max 1 claim per household. Receipt required.


Motherofmany • 18/12/2023 - 19:05

Wow I love these ninjamas. They are fabulous. I have 4 girls but the last 2 girlies are still bed wetting. I have tried everything but I have come to the point of acceptance that they are not ready to stop. So these ninjamas are going to have to do for now until they are ready whenever that will be. Since they are 6 and 4 when they bed wet it’s a lot and these ninjamas can hold the wee.

Fuzzbuzz332905 Verified 20/12/2023 - 07:12

These were great on my son he moves lots in his sleep and can be quiet wet or even loose as don’t wake at night to go toilet this saves sheets and help him control bodily function have share vouchers with his school friends and my family with children it lovely to have peace of mind during the night other pull up or nappies have leaked and made mess will definitely recommend to others

Pottyforpampers • 21/12/2023 - 11:08

These are amazing! The gave my little one the independence to sleep with big boy pants at night, without the fear of leaks and night time bed changes!

This I love, as because each time little one wet the bed they loose confidence. Which further holds up progression to pants only at night. These give your child confidence to know that it's OK, and they are totally normal.

Not only that they give him the independence to put on him self. And take off. With the comfort of normal pants. So he is comfortable while he sleeps. As sleep is equally as important to growing kiddos. So thank you ❤️

mumonamission • 21/12/2023 - 17:52

These ninjamas pants are incredible! I found them a lot better than standard pull-ups as they are a lot taller at the back, so more coverage. They didn't leak at all and my little girl found them really comfortable. Wouldn't hesitate to recommend!

BunnyA • 03/01/2024 - 02:50

We were ready and pleased to say these pants were amazing, even opened up a conversation with more family members to try them. X

skylet • 04/01/2024 - 13:03

These ninja pants are amazing, they gave my son so much confidence in wearing them himself. A little ninja warrior,. He was really excited and they are easy to use. They are comfortable and definitely one to recommend to all my family and friends.

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