
Squaddie Hub

Squaddie Hub: a place where we can come together as parents to connect and share ideas for keeping the little ones entertained and ourselves happy and relaxed over the coming weeks.

17/04/2020 to 31/12/2024

Pampers-Team 13/02/2023 - 13:00

Fall head over heels this Valentine’s Day

Remember the first time you spent night together? The nerves, the excitement, the feeling that tonight might just change everything? Did you dim the lights? Play some gentle music? Choose regular-size or go all-out for a bumper pack of Pampers Baby-Dry…?

Okay, okay maybe, you don’t feel quite the same way about your favourite nappies as you do about your romantic partner but, let’s face it, date night wouldn’t be the same without either of them.

Let’s get romantic…

This Valentine’s Day, we’re challenging you to recreate the passion and excitement of those early days (and nights) with your partner. Reality TV and PJs can wait, it’s time to get romantic. We’re thinking, soft music, flickering candlelight, sumptuous food, and the unmatched knowledge that your date is 100% #PoonamiProof because the little one is wearing Pampers Baby-Dry Nappy Pants with its unique Stop & Protect Pocket.

Request a free sample of Pampers Baby-Dry Nappy Pants

Save your pals’ dates and win one of 3x £30 Amazon vouchers

Let your pals know that this Valentine’s Day is the day to rekindle the passion with their partner because they too can claim a FREE pack of Pampers Baby-Dry Nappy Pants to ensure there are no messy interruptions.

The Pampers team have created a loved-up story template that you can share on IG or Facebook to help your friends and followers have their best V-Day yet.

How do I take part?

How do I take part?

  1. Download our story template here
  2. Go to ‘Your story’ on Instagram/Facebook and load the template
  3. Circle your choices
  4. Put a link sticker on it that leads to: https://bit.ly/pampers-pants-coupon
  5. Share to your story

And, as if all that wasn’t special enough, upload a screenshot to your members area and you could win one of 3x £30 Amazon vouchers to spend on chocolate and champagne (or whatever else you feel like buying)!

Upload my screenshot now

Ready to reignite the spark of passion? Then let the romance begin!

Lucky winners will be chosen on the 24th of February. Full competition terms and conditions can be found here.

@all: Has a poonami ever interrupted one of your date nights?


Conway • 13/02/2023 - 20:35

No never their to good for that

Charlottica Verified 13/02/2023 - 21:12

Not a date night but certainly interrupted an evening of rest! Very early on when my little one was early days old and we were definitely NOT nappy experts, we learned quite how impressively quickly they can fill a nappy! Thankfully we do not have that worry any more but the poonami preventer really eases that worry, especially when out and about.

Jodes • 15/03/2023 - 20:42

100% interrupted a date night! The worst is when you have run out of wipes #givemestrength

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