
Squaddie Hub

Squaddie Hub: a place where we can come together as parents to connect and share ideas for keeping the little ones entertained and ourselves happy and relaxed over the coming weeks.

17/04/2020 to 31/12/2024

Pampers-Team 17/03/2023 - 07:00

Say NO to Mother’s Day poonamis!

Mother’s Day is nearly here. A time to relax, unwind and get that long leisurely lie in that you’ve been craving. You might enjoy breakfast in bed, a lazy day in front of the TV or a slap-up meal somewhere fancy. What you probably DON’T want, however, is a pesky poonami to ruin your day (and that’s where Pampers come in 😉).

Say NO to Mother’s Day poonamis!

Poonami-proof your special day!

We’ve all been there, just arrived at that lovely restaurant only to realise there’s been an almighty poonami that requires urgent attention (or even a trip back home). Well, worry not, Pampers Baby-Dry Nappy Pants are here. Featuring a revolutionary Stop & Protect pocket that catches poo and prevents leaks at the back, Pampers Baby-Dry Nappy Pants are on a mission to protect your special day (and every other day too).

Share the Mother’s Day love

If you know a pal who could benefit from a poonami-free Mother’s Day, then let them know that Pampers Baby-Dry Nappy Pants tackle special-occasion-destroying poonamis with ease and when they join a Pampers Squad project they could have to opportunity to try them and other great Pampers products for FREE.

We have tons of projects on the horizon (some of which are specifically designed to help you tackle poonami and avoid the dreaded Poonami Lag – it’s that foggy, exhausted feeling the day after a disruptive night of cleaning nappy-related accidents like a poonami. Think jet-lag but without the holiday!) and we’re looking for mums, dads and kiddie carers who would love to try out Pampers and give their feedback directly to the Pampers team. Know a pal or three who might be interested? Let them know now.

Invite my friends

For every member you invite, you’ll get 10 Squaddie stars. These little gems let the Pampers Squad team know that you’re a busy and active Pampers Squad member and the more stars you have, the higher your chances of being selected for projects. And that’s not all…

Share the Mother’s Day love

Invite your friends and win a £30 voucher!

As if you needed even more incentive, the three Squaddies who get the most member sign-ups will each win a £30 Amazon voucher to spend on anything you like (as it’s Mother’s Day, we’d encourage you to pamper yourself a bit and spend it on fancy chocolates, a scented candle and some yummy toiletries!).

Lucky winners will be chosen on the 31st of March. Full competition terms and conditions can be found here.

Congratulations to our winners 🏆

  1. Squaddie starviolet invited 50 new members
  2. Squaddie Merrys. invited 33 new members
  3. Squaddie Graceharris invited 30 new members

Happy Mother’s Day (you’re doing an incredible job). ❤

@all: Do you know any parents who could enjoy a #PoonamiLagFree Mother’s Day?


Basia81 • 17/03/2023 - 07:59

Yes i know

Mumofboysx3 • 17/03/2023 - 08:36

My sister who’s just had her first baby!

Madutza_mady3 Verified 17/03/2023 - 08:36

No,now I found out and it sounds interesting.

Happy-go-lucky • 17/03/2023 - 09:02

Yes I do

Tsenka • 17/03/2023 - 09:40

all my friends are mothers

ShanJayne24 Verified 17/03/2023 - 10:24

No, but I know I do 😂

Nimaifti Verified 17/03/2023 - 14:18

Great 👍

Awais • 18/03/2023 - 04:38


AshAbu • 19/03/2023 - 07:03


Kayday007 Verified 19/03/2023 - 07:50

I have a few I'm sharing with

ljscusack Verified 22/03/2023 - 22:11


Steefan • 23/03/2023 - 22:37


Farju • 26/03/2023 - 11:04

I have new friends I'm sharing with

Farju • 26/03/2023 - 11:07

I like this product. I love this product. I have little one. I used this product. Very, very good for my baby.

Mumofthreebabies Verified 27/03/2023 - 06:52

Nothing better than a poonami proof nappy! Will get sharing ❤️

stefan123 • 30/03/2023 - 19:13

Great nappies they fit great. no leaks. Thank you

Dia8930 Verified 31/03/2023 - 13:19

Great nappies little one loves them!

zeeram • 29/05/2023 - 22:14

v nice pampers

zeeram • 29/05/2023 - 22:14

nice amazing

Mikafurtado • 10/08/2023 - 17:52

They fit great and no leaking during long plays.

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