
Squaddie Hub

Squaddie Hub: a place where we can come together as parents to connect and share ideas for keeping the little ones entertained and ourselves happy and relaxed over the coming weeks.

17/04/2020 to 31/12/2024

Hannah_PampersSquad 05/02/2024 - 14:00

Sleep a little easier with Pampers 🌜

How did you sleep last night? Did your little one sleep through, or is that the stuff of dreams? It may seem like the perfect skit for a stand-up routine, but if you're a parent, sleep deprivation is very real.

Pampers have teamed up with comedian and dad of two boys, Chris Ramsey, to talk all things sleep. Chris and wife Rosie chat to parenting and sleep experts about their experiences, and receive some invaluable hints and tips from them. Head on over to the dedicated sleep page now to get some real, actionable sleep tips 💡 that you can put in place right away.

Click below to watch the series 👇

I want expert sleep tips

Share your sleep tips and what you learned… 💤

But, we’re not stopping there. We also want to hear YOUR tips. Perhaps you’re a parent of an older child as well and remember what worked first time round or maybe you tried something last night that worked a dream! Whatever it may be, share it with us!

Alongside your ultimate sleep tip, we're also intrigued to know your key takeaway from the Sleep Savers video series that you plan to try tonight. Share your thoughts and comments below and let’s get the conversation going – tonight is the night for a full 8 hours. 😉

…and you could win a month of Pampers Baby-Dry nappy pants 🎁

Every Squaddie who comments on this blog will be entered into a prize draw and we’ll select two lucky Squaddies to win a month’s worth of Pampers Baby-Dry nappy pants.

Save your sleep from the dreaded poonami with Pampers 💩

Young babies waking during the night for a feed or a cuddle is par for the course, but your baby needn’t wake up because their nappy has leaked. Pampers are on a mission to get you as much sleep as possible and that’s why not only do Pampers Baby-Dry instantly absorb wetness for up to 12 hours, they also feature a revolutionary Stop & Protect pocket to prevent leaks at the back.

Ready to have your say? 💭

Fab! Share your thoughts, questions (or even hilarious poonami stories) in the comments below and we’ll be in touch via email if you’re one of the lucky winners.

Lucky winners will be announced on 12th February! Full competition terms and conditions can be found here.

@all: What's your go-to tip for a good night's rest and which Sleep Savers tip did you find the most helpful?


BabyKK • 05/02/2024 - 16:45

My daughter has never slept through and is now 2yrs old! We have a routine such as no screen time, bedtime story and she still breastfeeds so feeds before bed.
Always tried to get her to bed at a reasonable time but has always since a baby settled about 8.30pm! She sleeps until 7am ish but wakes at least 2-3 times a night for a feed. I love our cuddles and time together so am more than happy as I know one day she’ll sleep through when she’s ready! ☺️

KrystleAnderson Verified 05/02/2024 - 16:46

You don't HAVE to change a wet nappy (unless it's full or you're worried of leaks) in the night! If baby is content, allow them to continue sleeping. Honestly though, I've never had any trouble with Pampers so I feel secure about not needing to change every single time my (then) baby pees throughout the night. If we were trying a different nappy, I'd be more vigilant, but I'm comfortable letting my boy sleep through the night... Unless he's pooped! 😅

Meggimai • 05/02/2024 - 16:47

I find sticking to a bedtime routine has really helped my little one to get a sleep pattern together and reduced her night waking. We still get waking up through the night but we are at the 8 month sleep regression at the moment. Otherwise she has been a good sleeper.

SamBarker • 05/02/2024 - 16:50

We are very lucky in that my daughter at 23 months has always been a good sleeper. Our issue is the right nappy to stop leaks as some nights she is just drenched. Doesn’t seem to be a pattern at all but randomly just leaks.

We have always worked hard to maintain her routine and getting the age where we have reduced the amount of time napping during the day to avoid any regression fingers crossed it’s working so far

Amaksy Verified 05/02/2024 - 16:56

This is so real. Thank you for sharing so I know I’m not alone. Now trying to decide to take down the sides of the crib to avoid a mishap climbing over so that’ll be a new experience in our sleep honey as I expect it means she’ll be free to roam once awake.

Cltidy90 • 05/02/2024 - 17:01

Our 6mo old started getting awful at sleep around 3.5months. Slept far worse than ever did as a newborn sometimes waking up more than 10 times a night. I think in the last week and a half we might be finally getting closer to some better sleep although still 3 feeds in the night currently.

What’s our tip: get dad to do bedtime so that there’s no option to breastfeed to sleep, and breastfeeding is then out of the sleep routine and can’t have the feed to sleep association.

I now think the wakeups are actually for hunger rather than every sleep cycle, and I guess we just have a hungrier baby than those ones that can sleep through at 6months

Chezzachap Verified 05/02/2024 - 17:05

At 17 months and 2 very tired parents my baby is sleeping through more often than not now 🙌🏻
We always use Pampers premium protection pants which have never let us down 🙌🏻 we have a few bedtime stories, a bottle, followed by a dark room. If we are wanting to get some jobs done we leave the radio on until we go to bed so we don’t disturb 🙌🏻

martka00 • 05/02/2024 - 17:16

My LO is only 6 months old so still quite small and I’d not expect him to have a full night sleep every night! But one of the things that have improved since moving to size 3 nappies - the pampers night nappies! No more leaks as it used to happen up to 3-4 months old (until we’ve discovered the pampers night nappies).
Secondly, my baby is amazing with his bed time - since he’s 3 months old - he is going sleep for the night anything between 7:30-8:30 and he (usually) wakes up around 6-7am (with one or two feeds). We don’t really have any bed time routine as my baby somehow decided that this is his scheduled sleep time and we only try to ensure that we’re back home at 7:30 at latest to get him to bed.

Awais • 05/02/2024 - 17:19

My son is 18 months and I am struggling every nigtg to sleep hi. On time but he doesn't and the end when I tried I told to my husband please you gona sleep him very well and when my husband sleep to him sadenly he sleep and mid night he weak up 5 to 6 times for milk every 30, 30 minutes he weak up for milk and want to change the nappy 2 times and I want wwaknup at 3am to going for job so it's very hard and when I come back from Job at 2pm and he want to sleep quickly so hopefully one day sleep nicely,

LKH Verified 05/02/2024 - 17:28

Routine routine routine! I used the Pampers sleep coach to help me with my little boy as he couldn’t fall asleep on his own. Best thing I’ve done!

Marlenab • 05/02/2024 - 17:41

I never got onboard with the whole ‘sleeping on their own thing’. At 8y old my oldest still prefers to sleep in my room so all
The kids beds are in our room and they can sleep next to us or on their beds :). I co sleep with baby :)

Dzivojosa • 05/02/2024 - 17:46

Well, i change nappies every time my son wake up at night for his feeds. Even if there is just a little, otherwise i risk to end up with leakage. He still has milk before night and twice during a night so no pamoer would surrove all night :D Still i find Pampers brand as best for nappies.

Cdeane Verified 05/02/2024 - 17:51

Absolutely no idea how to get little ones to sleep all through the night. Our 5mo is up 1-3hourly every night. I just tell myself she misses me so much and she’ll sleep eventually (maybe when I’m old and grey)! 🤞🏻

ArlosMummyy Verified 05/02/2024 - 17:52

The dream feed changed our nights but did lead to nighttime leaks! Thank goodness for Pampers Dry Nights nappies.

Klang • 05/02/2024 - 18:01

We have stopped changing him overnight as 1) he was getting too upset to go back to sleep and 2) pampers are so good we don’t need to!!! We love being a squad die and having an army of parents to call upon when we need advice!!

Dm91 Verified 05/02/2024 - 18:03

My partner and I are very thankful as we’ve never had any issues with our baby sleeping through the night. Even from birth to now at 6 months, he’s always slept all the way through and we’ve never felt so lucky. Obviously on the odd occasion, he would randomly wake up crying but then would fall back to sleep without any issues. Thanks to using pampers also since birth, we’ve never had any leaks throughout the night, so when we wake in the morning, we just change him then before his feed. The only issue we have is that he’s a bit stubborn when he’s tired and doesn’t want to go to sleep, but we just keep at it and persevere, rocking him until he gives up and falls asleep 🥰
I also still don’t feel ready for him to sleep in his own room so we brought his cot into our room and he still sleeps next to me in his own cot. Not because he can’t, but to ease my worries and anxiety.

Inda22 • 05/02/2024 - 18:09

Thanks to Pampers we have not had any leaks at night and my baby boy is already 4 months old. He isn't a good sleeper but hey he will get there at some point and I will be beside him. It's so good to read all the comments, tips, different views and experience. Every child is different!

HWMO4 Verified 05/02/2024 - 18:15

The sleep savers series is very interesting, loads of great advice and it's good to know we all go through it at some point. I currently have a teething 1 year old keeping me up all night. Obviously pampers nappies to keep baby dry all night is our number one essential. I have 5 children and have found that essential oils on a cotton ball put on the radiator, has a relaxing effect for bed time routines.

Jantee • 05/02/2024 - 18:49

I love a lie in and now anything after 5am is a lie in. There's no pattern to the nights that our 8 month old sleeps through. I don't let her cry and sometimes she just cuddles back to sleep, other times she wants a bottle. I keep the lights low and she's never up for long.

NethercottA Verified 05/02/2024 - 18:50

My biggest sleep saving tip is to learn to safely co sleep. On the nights your baby isn't content in their own space, lay them beside you, sometimes you are all they want and need. X

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