
Squaddie Hub

Squaddie Hub: a place where we can come together as parents to connect and share ideas for keeping the little ones entertained and ourselves happy and relaxed over the coming weeks.

17/04/2020 to 31/12/2024

Hannah_PampersSquad 05/02/2024 - 14:00

Sleep a little easier with Pampers 🌜

How did you sleep last night? Did your little one sleep through, or is that the stuff of dreams? It may seem like the perfect skit for a stand-up routine, but if you're a parent, sleep deprivation is very real.

Pampers have teamed up with comedian and dad of two boys, Chris Ramsey, to talk all things sleep. Chris and wife Rosie chat to parenting and sleep experts about their experiences, and receive some invaluable hints and tips from them. Head on over to the dedicated sleep page now to get some real, actionable sleep tips 💡 that you can put in place right away.

Click below to watch the series 👇

I want expert sleep tips

Share your sleep tips and what you learned… 💤

But, we’re not stopping there. We also want to hear YOUR tips. Perhaps you’re a parent of an older child as well and remember what worked first time round or maybe you tried something last night that worked a dream! Whatever it may be, share it with us!

Alongside your ultimate sleep tip, we're also intrigued to know your key takeaway from the Sleep Savers video series that you plan to try tonight. Share your thoughts and comments below and let’s get the conversation going – tonight is the night for a full 8 hours. 😉

…and you could win a month of Pampers Baby-Dry nappy pants 🎁

Every Squaddie who comments on this blog will be entered into a prize draw and we’ll select two lucky Squaddies to win a month’s worth of Pampers Baby-Dry nappy pants.

Save your sleep from the dreaded poonami with Pampers 💩

Young babies waking during the night for a feed or a cuddle is par for the course, but your baby needn’t wake up because their nappy has leaked. Pampers are on a mission to get you as much sleep as possible and that’s why not only do Pampers Baby-Dry instantly absorb wetness for up to 12 hours, they also feature a revolutionary Stop & Protect pocket to prevent leaks at the back.

Ready to have your say? 💭

Fab! Share your thoughts, questions (or even hilarious poonami stories) in the comments below and we’ll be in touch via email if you’re one of the lucky winners.

Lucky winners will be announced on 12th February! Full competition terms and conditions can be found here.

@all: What's your go-to tip for a good night's rest and which Sleep Savers tip did you find the most helpful?


Babyrutherford • 05/02/2024 - 20:48

Be organised and prepare! Make sure everything is to hand and available before you go to bed. If you share the nappy changes with your partner overnight there is nothing worse than being on duty and the baby wipes being empty on your first change! Also downlighting is the best for those sleepy eyes!

Amna786 • 05/02/2024 - 21:01

I use lidl nappies for day time because they are cheap. But for night time i make sure i only use pampers dry baby. Because i tried all different brands but only pampers dry baby helps and keep my baby dry. If i use other brand nappies for night it always Leake as well. But pampers make my nights so much easier now and finally i get to sleep to 8 to 9 hours 🙏 and my baby stay sleep and wakes up happy. So for us pampers dry nappies a win for sure

Georginayeomans1121 Verified 05/02/2024 - 21:02

My little one is 22 months old, since 6 months she’s not slept through. Shes BF and wakes up for 1-2 feeds during the night, trying my hardest to wean her off the BF. But thanks to pampers premium protection pull ups although don’t get a full night sleep at nearly 24 months we DO get a lovely DRY night sleep. Would never use any other brand other than pampers.

BoyBabyMama • 05/02/2024 - 21:40

I have to use pampers for night times as every other brand i have tried my baby seems to leak through. I have had to switch to pampers in the day as most of the supermarket brands also leak through if they are on more than 2 hours. If it wasn’t for pampers i would be changing my sons nappy like every hour and changing his bedding every night

EB • 05/02/2024 - 21:56

Every child is different they grow so fast and we do what we can. My tips are be prepared.and have a nighttime routine, have nappies, wipes and clothing ready for any nighttime feeds incase a change of nappy and clothes is required. Keep it as dark as possible, as quiet as possible so don't speak etc. Do the minimum required to hope your bundle of joy sleeps

Shabnaz Verified 05/02/2024 - 21:59

I have both girl and boy and with my 1 year old boy I learned and I realised that boy babies have wierd habit of pee pee coming from the top of the nappy I didn't experience thing with my daughter that much so... to overcome this habit of leaks coming out of night I put a 1 bigger size nappy on during night time this helps stops the leaks!
I also turn the nappy pants back to front so the front area holds in the pee pee ! As it is longer

Chdmum Verified 05/02/2024 - 22:16

For a full 8 hours sleep we use Childs farm sleep pillow mist, bath soak and moisturiser before bed. It has lavender and moon milk it’s from their slumber time grange and we love it

Magdalene Verified 05/02/2024 - 22:29

Our best way to put a baby to sleep was a bath - warm water usually has a calming and relaxing effect on babies. The desired effect was achieved thanks to the calm, even lazy atmosphere. Repeatability was key. It is important that all activities take place in a specific order and at the same time as possible, because any deviations from the routine may cause anxiety in the child. A clean, dry and appropriate nappy is very important to us. We have been trusting Pampers for 19 months from the first days of our daughter's life and we have never had any surprises. When choosing nappy or a nappy pants , I was aware that the most important thing for me was the quality of the nappy and the comfort of my child. A baby spends childhood in a nappy, all day and night. Quality,absorbency and softness are also the most important for us so we can highly recommend Pampers pants and warm bath routine for a good sleep 🌙⭐️🌛

AutismGuardian • 05/02/2024 - 22:46

I have tried so many brands of night time nappies for my 3 year old. He has autism and is not yet able to communicate when he needs the toilet. He was leaking through all night nappies waking up wet and cold until I found Ninjamas. They are my secret to a good night sleep and their thinness makes them comfortable for him too. 😴

Cheshiremum • 05/02/2024 - 22:53

I think the key to good sleeping is rountine so they get to learn bedtime ques. For my little girl these include brushing her teeth and putting on her sleepsack. Always a new nappy before bed and then we have a cuddle and a story on the chair in her room then shes fine about being put in her cot to fall asleep.
We dont dont do anything overstilulating before bed to let her naturally unwind eg no tv or music

Sebastian • 05/02/2024 - 23:34

We have a sleep routine 😴 before my boy goes to bed ,we have bathtime plenty of giggles and fun before, clean pj's and a pampers premium protection nappie they really are the best ,bedtime story ,his room light dimmed , not long then my boy is fast asleep x

hannahd • 06/02/2024 - 01:15

We have a nightime routine for my 3 month old bottle fresh bedtime clothes and sleep

Salima • 06/02/2024 - 01:36

I got 2 kids one is 20 months and the other one is 5years old both are putting nappies at night time . Before I used to use random nappies for them tried different brands for nappies which was a night mare for me and them waking at the middle of the night all wet changing beds and clothes every night is the same story which was making my sleep routine very bad and affects my health . Thank got I discovered pampers pants and nappies +ninjas pants which really saved my life and my kids are very happy 😊 having a good night sleep without braking it . Am the most happier one saving me time and getting better night sleep routine and make my life more easier . Thanks to pampers nappies.

Khalisah2000 Verified 06/02/2024 - 06:54

I mostly use pampers for night time only as they have been the only successful nappy, every other brand and he wakes up soaking wet. Pampers holds the most urine when he does a long stretch of sleep.

Kirstie85 • 06/02/2024 - 06:56

We use pampers pants for my 2 year old and ninjarmas for my 4 yr old, the nappies are great and we rarely have leaks (unless my little one has drunk too much). My eldest loves the designs on her pants and sleep through most nights.

Kat0391 Verified 06/02/2024 - 07:03

My little one is going through the 2 year sleep regression currently and we’re all finding it difficult as we’re all tired but I have to tell myself it’s a phase and won’t last forever. I also have to tell myself that she isn’t doing it on purpose and she’s tired too. I try to make sure we have snuggle time together and have some rest time during the day

Runner_Mum • 06/02/2024 - 07:58

We use Aldi nappies during the day but during the night Pampers Dry is our go to. We’ve tried other brands and reusable nappies at night but the only ones that keep our kids dry are Pampers Dry! As for bedtime tips, the key thing for us is routine. Bathtime fun, fresh bed clothes, story & dimly lit room and they’re out like a light. Whilst we feel like we’ve hit every sleep regression we know it’s just a phase (which is now our mantra).

JasminH Verified 06/02/2024 - 08:34

My 20 month old has always been a great sleeper but for us routine is key! An hour before bedtime we turn off any TV’s that are on and get her ready for bed. We then put a lullaby tonie on her tonie’s box so she can have some time to wind down from all of the stimulation and excitement from the day. We make sure her room is dark and quiet and she sleeps like a dream! We only use pampers pants and they have been amazing. No leaks even when she sleeps 14 hours plus!

Bekaaah_x Verified 06/02/2024 - 10:47

My biggest tip would be try to have consistent nap times, especially as they get towards age 1 plus. I’ve also found that if I put my daughter to bed abit later (8-8:30) she doesn’t wake up super early, she will wake at around 8am which is nice because nobody likes waking up at 5am 🤣

Farwah • 06/02/2024 - 11:00

For me,routine works best with my children! I tend to tire my baby and make sure she doesn’t sleep 4 hours before bedtime. White noise works really well for daytime naps. And a good dry nappy and adequate clothing makes sure she sleeps comfortably through.

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