
Squaddie Hub

Squaddie Hub: a place where we can come together as parents to connect and share ideas for keeping the little ones entertained and ourselves happy and relaxed over the coming weeks.

17/04/2020 to 31/12/2024

Hannah_PampersSquad 05/02/2024 - 14:00

Sleep a little easier with Pampers 🌜

How did you sleep last night? Did your little one sleep through, or is that the stuff of dreams? It may seem like the perfect skit for a stand-up routine, but if you're a parent, sleep deprivation is very real.

Pampers have teamed up with comedian and dad of two boys, Chris Ramsey, to talk all things sleep. Chris and wife Rosie chat to parenting and sleep experts about their experiences, and receive some invaluable hints and tips from them. Head on over to the dedicated sleep page now to get some real, actionable sleep tips 💡 that you can put in place right away.

Click below to watch the series 👇

I want expert sleep tips

Share your sleep tips and what you learned… 💤

But, we’re not stopping there. We also want to hear YOUR tips. Perhaps you’re a parent of an older child as well and remember what worked first time round or maybe you tried something last night that worked a dream! Whatever it may be, share it with us!

Alongside your ultimate sleep tip, we're also intrigued to know your key takeaway from the Sleep Savers video series that you plan to try tonight. Share your thoughts and comments below and let’s get the conversation going – tonight is the night for a full 8 hours. 😉

…and you could win a month of Pampers Baby-Dry nappy pants 🎁

Every Squaddie who comments on this blog will be entered into a prize draw and we’ll select two lucky Squaddies to win a month’s worth of Pampers Baby-Dry nappy pants.

Save your sleep from the dreaded poonami with Pampers 💩

Young babies waking during the night for a feed or a cuddle is par for the course, but your baby needn’t wake up because their nappy has leaked. Pampers are on a mission to get you as much sleep as possible and that’s why not only do Pampers Baby-Dry instantly absorb wetness for up to 12 hours, they also feature a revolutionary Stop & Protect pocket to prevent leaks at the back.

Ready to have your say? 💭

Fab! Share your thoughts, questions (or even hilarious poonami stories) in the comments below and we’ll be in touch via email if you’re one of the lucky winners.

Lucky winners will be announced on 12th February! Full competition terms and conditions can be found here.

@all: What's your go-to tip for a good night's rest and which Sleep Savers tip did you find the most helpful?


abell Verified 06/02/2024 - 11:08

We swear by pampers baby dry nappies. Our little girl has slept through 12 hours since 8 weeks old (I know we’re so lucky!) and without pampers baby dry it would have been a nightmare. My top tip is that if they leak, size up on a nighttime. This has been a life saver for us and as soon as we got a leak if we sized up it would stop. My second top tip would be to put a new nappy on as they are about to fall asleep. I don’t have to worry about leaks and it makes life so much easier!

Mysterious_girl2018 Verified 06/02/2024 - 11:20

Pampers baby dry pull up pants have been wonderful in helping my toddler transition from nappies in the night to staying dry. Wearing a baby dry pull up at night followed by me telling him he is a big boy and rewarding him with a sticker when he wakes up completely dry has gone down a treat and has made night sleep training feel easier!

Gough190 Verified 06/02/2024 - 13:16

We found with our first one a warm bottle and a cuddle up would work to send him off to sleep , with our youngest we found he didn’t like bottles for long so a warm bath before bed and he loves to just be with you so we just sit with him and hold his hand as contact while either humming or singing a song ! Both love a little book to be read to them as well :-) every little one is different but they always want to be cuddled or some one near while they fall asleep

Pookey Verified 06/02/2024 - 13:26

It's amazing to have pampers active fit as they ensure no leaks during the night. There's nothing worse then having to wake up to change a baby / toddler as well as sheets.

One tip i learnt before discovering active fit is to double layer the bed. So you do a waterproof sheet, fitted sheet, waterproof sheet and then fitted sheet. In case of any accident you can whip off the first 2 layers and your good to go. This helped a lot but active fit nappies have helped even more

BlueMonkey • 06/02/2024 - 13:27

My best tip would be ensuring your child is active during their wake windows so they are ready for a deep sleep! This can start early with tummy time and sensory engagement. Also changing their nappy as close as possible to a nap or bedtime will ensure they are comfortable during their sleep.

MummyMagz92 • 06/02/2024 - 14:09

My tip is the 3 B’s, Bath, Bottle, Bed. This works for us. We also have a box that tells stories and has white noise, this helps to settle a child from any light. My daughter also likes her face stroked or he bottom tapped its soothing for her. When it comes to nappies pampers is our go too, we did try the store makes first as thought it was cheaper but pampers have more deals which is to buy in bulk and they do not leak and they don’t have a smell to them. My daughter feels comfortable in these only.

Here2help Verified 06/02/2024 - 14:28

You need a nappy you can trust for bed time, it helps stop baby from waking due to being uncomfortable.
Make sure the frills are out and take time to put the nappy on properly!
A comfy baby equals a happy baby, a happy baby equals more sleep!

Dutchess Verified 06/02/2024 - 14:35

When my 2nd baby was around 9 months they suddenly started waking up around 5-5.30am. I tried all the usual things, white noise, checking for leaks etc and nothing helped. One day when checking the weather online I noticed the coldest time of the night was around 5am when the temperature dropped a few degrees. They were cold!!! I added an extra blanket and they never woke at that time again

Val • 06/02/2024 - 15:07

With my little boy I have experienced endless wakes up during night time due to be born small.every 3 hours I was supposed to breastfeed him and rock him to fall asleep. I was one of my hardest things for me to do that but eventually that waking up so often has come to an end.
I have used Pampers nappies since day 1 and I am really thanks fully for that because I have made my little ones sleep better from that perspective.Now he is nearly 3 and no more waking up during the night. So finally I can rest and charge my battery for the following y

They say :small kids small issues:))
And big kids is were the drama begins:))

Hambles • 06/02/2024 - 18:22

Hi there mums, dads & carers,

My tip is more of a realisation really and it is… every baby is different first of all and we really should not compare. Our babies are only little for a very short time in the scheme of things, if they won’t settle unless with you very nearby, I.e SAFELY co-sleeping, if it means you ALL get good sleep then do it. They will sleep alone when they’re ready, the world is scary enough for us adults, imagine how scary it is for them. If they settle well alone in their own cot/bed/room, that’s great! But if not enjoy the cuddles as they won’t last forever! Hope this helps somebody x

Huwbaldwin85 • 07/02/2024 - 08:27

My two babies j

, one 2 and 8 months, the other 1 and 6 months both are more comfortable and sleep all night in pampers either pants and ninja as for night time as it absorbs moisture for a solid 12 hours and never leaks, otherwise they would be crabby. Premium nappies I agree!

NJenkins Verified 07/02/2024 - 12:06

My little girl is 18 months old.
She understands that tired = bed = milk and dummy.
She loves it. She has her milk and gets put in her sleep bag, we have a cuddle then she gets into bed and soothes herself to sleep.

Kbrolly Verified 07/02/2024 - 14:09

Newborn Pampers are the best Nappies for teeny tiny bottoms No leakage helps our little girl sleep soundly and we use premium protection active fit for our toddler and never have any leakage issues or nappy rash. Our toddler would not sleep without being swaddled when he was very small but our little girl hates being restricted and likes a sleep sack so she can throw her arms and feet around at will. Every baby is different and be open to trial and error to find what’s right for you while remaining safe

Mercedestinaye • 07/02/2024 - 15:35

My son has used pampers since he was born. He is now 5 months old. No leaks, no spillages, no marks on the legs. They fit perfect hold number 1 and number 2 in there which is perfect for when you’re out and about. No need to rush back. Pampers is the perfect nappy brand and I will use until my son is potty trained!

Teles Verified 08/02/2024 - 07:20

I have a 7 month old baby and at this age parents know how difficult sleep regression is and how difficult it is for the baby to sleep, and Pampers baby dry nappies have helped us a lot by keeping the baby dry during the night without leaks my baby is sleeping much better with Pampers baby dry nappies as well as being wonderful with my baby's sensitive skin.

Sopey123 • 08/02/2024 - 08:15

Taking a bath · Changing into pajamas and a fresh diaper · Reading a book · Singing a lullaby · Having a nighttime feed · Giving a goodnight kiss

AND PAMPERS BABY DRY NIGHT PULL UPS - we size up 2 sizes :)

bismah2010 Verified 08/02/2024 - 13:43

I have had three babies/toddlers all use Pampers nappies. My best tips for a good night's sleep is to ensure that baby/toddler is in a dry nappy, fed, and has a cuddle with a story before sleeping. Pampers is the only brand we trust to be able to get a good night's sleep. We did try a few other brands but none of them could give us the same satisfaction.

Ineedtea Verified 08/02/2024 - 21:22

We have always stuck to a good bedtime routine with lots of calm stories.
Tucked up nice and warm with a cuddly toy.

PabloLima Verified 09/02/2024 - 10:25

We read them books in bed and then lay with them while they fall asleep

MelanieScarlet Verified 11/02/2024 - 21:21

Reading stories, singing lullabies and lots of cuddles :-)

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